full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Robert Gordon: The death of innovation, the end of growth

Unscramble the Blue Letters

But I'm now going to give you an experiment. You have to choose either option A or option B. (Laughter) Option A is you get to keep everything ieevntnd up till 10 years ago. So you get Google, you get aazmon, you get wikeiipda, and you get running water and indoor toilets. Or you get everything invented to yesterday, including Facebook and your iPhone, but you have to give up, go out to the outhouse, and carry in the water. haurcirne snady csuead a lot of people to lose the 20th century, maybe for a couple of days, in some cesas for more than a week, electricity, running water, heating, gasoline for their cars, and a charge for their iPhones.

Open Cloze

But I'm now going to give you an experiment. You have to choose either option A or option B. (Laughter) Option A is you get to keep everything ________ up till 10 years ago. So you get Google, you get ______, you get _________, and you get running water and indoor toilets. Or you get everything invented to yesterday, including Facebook and your iPhone, but you have to give up, go out to the outhouse, and carry in the water. _________ _____ ______ a lot of people to lose the 20th century, maybe for a couple of days, in some _____ for more than a week, electricity, running water, heating, gasoline for their cars, and a charge for their iPhones.


  1. amazon
  2. caused
  3. sandy
  4. hurricane
  5. invented
  6. cases
  7. wikipedia

Original Text

But I'm now going to give you an experiment. You have to choose either option A or option B. (Laughter) Option A is you get to keep everything invented up till 10 years ago. So you get Google, you get Amazon, you get Wikipedia, and you get running water and indoor toilets. Or you get everything invented to yesterday, including Facebook and your iPhone, but you have to give up, go out to the outhouse, and carry in the water. Hurricane Sandy caused a lot of people to lose the 20th century, maybe for a couple of days, in some cases for more than a week, electricity, running water, heating, gasoline for their cars, and a charge for their iPhones.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
economic growth 3
agricultural land 3
vertical axis 2
united states 2
curved line 2
rises faster 2
labor force 2
cost inflation 2
higher education 2
american agricultural 2
percent urban 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
american agricultural land 2

Important Words

  1. amazon
  2. carry
  3. cars
  4. cases
  5. caused
  6. century
  7. charge
  8. choose
  9. couple
  10. days
  11. electricity
  12. experiment
  13. facebook
  14. gasoline
  15. give
  16. google
  17. heating
  18. hurricane
  19. including
  20. indoor
  21. invented
  22. iphone
  23. iphones
  24. laughter
  25. lose
  26. lot
  27. option
  28. outhouse
  29. people
  30. running
  31. sandy
  32. toilets
  33. water
  34. week
  35. wikipedia
  36. years
  37. yesterday